The strangest nose of any rose I have ever experienced; it smells like cedar. Cedar! Thankfully it doesn't TASTE like cedar, as there are strawberry and grapefruit notes on the palate. I've enjoyed this wine in the past, this vintage doesn't seem to quite measure up but perhaps it needs some more time in the bottle.
Rating: 78

2012 Pinot Gris
Notes of green apple and pear on the nose, citrus on the palate. Less acidic and more fruity than a lot of Pinot Gris. Refreshing.
Rating: 82

2012 Not-So Knotty Chardonnay
Unoaked, with notes of pear and honey, with a long citrus finish and hints of butterscotch that you'll often find in oaked Chards.
Rating: 81

Light European style; notes of flowers and white pepper on the nose. Fruity and smooth, just a hint of spice. Probably would improve with a few years of patience.
Rating: 80

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and a touch of Cabernet Franc, Bordello is their big red and is priced as such ($38.99). Blackberries and vanilla tempt the nose, leading to rich flavors of cherries and a hint of tobacco. Tannins are very firm, this one would benefit from quite a bit of aging.
Rating: 77
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