Friday, September 21, 2018

Okanagan Wine Trip Part IV, we visit Lariana Cellars, and the blog gets a facelift!

We are no strangers to Lariana Cellars, a small little outfit run out of a garage, about 15 feet from the United States border. That is hardly an exaggeration, as crossing the road would take you into bushes that are right on the border. It's that close.

They have a very small portfolio of wines, choosing to excel at what they can do best. An exciting winery and there isn't a bad wine in the bunch. Let's get to the three they had for us this trip!

That's it for today! Love to hear what you think of the new format. So far I think it's a big improvement but I am sure there will be challenges when I come across really bizarre-sized bottle shots....but I'll jump off those bridges when I come to them. I had to make the images thinner than I liked or they bleed over into the wallpaper, but that might fix itself when I move the blog to a new platform (spoiler alert....still to come).

Next up: This trip continues with a winery I was somewhat familiar with but had never actually visited: Fairview Cellars!!